Snake Plant: All about Snake Plant Care, Propagation & More

Snake Plant is a popular indoor plant. Its scientific name is Dracaena trifasciata. It belongs to the Asparagaceae family and has green leaves. Snake Plant is known by many names. Like, sansevieria, mother-in-law’s tongue, Saint George’s sword, and viper’s bowstring hemp. In this article, you will learn a lot about Snake Plant. Like Snake Plant Care, Propagation of Snake Plant, Potting and Repotting, and many more. So let’s know…

Characteristics and Uses of Snake Plant

The snake plant is not an easy-to-die plant. It survives even in the harshest of conditions. Also, you can grow it without paying much attention. Due to these features, it becomes a good choice for new gardeners.

This is an indoor plant. It is commonly used for home decoration. You can place it in any part of the house wherever you want. Hanging plant containers or tabletop plants are other forms of use of this plant.

Snake Plant Care

Snake Plant Care

Generally, the snake plant does not require much care. But if you pay a little attention to it, then it keeps on increasing the beauty of your house year after year. So let’s know about Snake Plant Care. The snake plant’s hardiness zone is 9 to 11 (USDA), which means it needs temperatures between 20 degrees Fahrenheit to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It demands a warm environment to thrive and in a cold environment, it struggles to thrive and survive.

1. Watering: The most important 

Giving a proper amount of water to the snake plant is the key to its long life and healthy life. More or less water than necessary causes many types of damage to it. It would not be wrong to say that this is the most important thing in Snake Plant Care. Because it doesn’t like frosty environments, excess water can rot its roots. Therefore, giving water once in 1 to 2 months is enough during the winter season. On the other hand, it would be better if you water the snake plant only once in three or four weeks during the summertime. In other words, you should give water to this plant if its soil looks dry.

2. Light or sun

The snake plant can adapt itself to the amount of light. It remains almost the same in both direct sunlight and indirect light. Because of this ability, most people prefer to keep it indoors. Due to less sunlight, it grows very slowly. If you want to see it growing faster, put it in a sunny place for 4-6 hours.

3. Soil

Snake plants preferred well-draining soil with potting mix. Loosening the soil is essential for good drainage. A mixture of sandy soil will prove to be very beneficial.

4. Fertilizer

By the way, this plant does not require much fertilizer. But it will perform better if you fertilize it during the growing season. A mild cactus fertilizer can be used as a fertilizer for snake plants. You can buy special fertilizers for this online or at the nearby Fertilizer Shop.

5. Pruning

The spring or summer season is suitable for pruning. New leaves grow at this time. During the pruning process, you should remove damaged or mature leaves using a sharp knife or scissors. Doing this will help the new leaves to grow and give them enough room to grow.

If you want to keep the snake plant only up to a certain height, then for this, cut those leaves from the root and remove them which are going above the height set by you. If you trim the leaves from above, it will lose its attractiveness and it will lose its natural look. You will not need to worry because after removing a leaf, new leaves will replace it.

6. Protecting snake plants from pests

Mealybugs, gnats, scale are some of the common pests that attack snake plants. The plant is protected from the attack of insects when it is healthy.

These pests will attack the plant if the water is high or there is a high humidity environment around the plant. In other words, a high humidity environment is perfect for insects to attack. Therefore, you should give water to the plant as per the requirement. If possible, keep the pot in a place where it gets a little sunlight. Otherwise, keeping it in a warm place will also be enough.

Snake Plant Care During Winters

Snake Plant Care During Winters

Being a tropical plant, the snake plant is unable to tolerate extreme cold and may even die. In this way, Snake Plant Care becomes more important in the winter season. In this season, you should keep this plant in a place where it can get enough heat or sunlight.

It stops growing when it is winter season. Be careful in watering it in this season, as the presence of excess water will prove fatal for it. During the whole winter, water should be given only once every one and a half months. But when you keep the snake plant in a warm room, it may need water before six weeks. For this keep checking the moisture from time to time and if necessary, give some water.

Snake Plant or Sansevieria Soil Problems

Sometimes the soil of the pot of snake plants may smell bad. If so, it is a sign that the plants have got a fungal infection due to excessive watering or some other reason. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to the plant. Because there can be many other problems including root rot.

To do this, remove the root ball from the container and remove the damaged root and leaves. Then put that plant in fresh soil in the new pot. If that plant is not viable, prepare new plants by the root-division method.

Tracing Plant Status from Snake Plant Leaves

The snake plant is very helpful in bringing alive your room and the leaves are the main center of attraction in it. But when it comes to its care, these leaves also give many indications that tell the condition of the plant.

There are some signs of the health of the leaves of the snake plant. These healthy leaves rise and become erect. These leaves are green in color with yellow stripes. But be careful if these leaves turn yellow or brown. Excessive water content and root rot can cause this discoloration of the leaves. Insects attracted to the plant in this condition. On the other hand, some insects cause an infection that causes the leaves of the snake plant to turn into twisted leaves.

How to Propagate Snake Plant?

How to Propagate Snake Plant?

There are many methods you can adopt for propagating snake plants. But, whatever the method, the season should be spring or summer only. Otherwise, you will be disappointed. Keep in mind that you can adopt any of these three procedures. Snake Plant does not die easily. Like in the root division process, when you divide this plant into different parts, do not worry that the plant will die. The methods of propagation of snake plants are being mentioned below.

1. Propagate by root division

Take the snake plant out of the old pot. Slowly separate its roots from the old soil. After removing all the soil attached to the root structure or rhizome of the plant, divide it into 4-5 different parts with a sharp knife. The point to be noted in this process is that some leaves of the plant, part of the stem and the root attached to them should be present. Divide it in such a way that from the root to the leaves become several parts of a plant.

Now plant those divided snake plant parts in a new pot. Cactus potting soil is recommended. Water the plant after planting it and place it in a location with partial sunlight. If this plant gets 4-6 hours of sunlight a day, it will grow very quickly.

2. Promote new branches

Sometimes it happens that the snake plant produces small twigs. It is used for the propagation of snake plants and the process is also easy. If you find any such branch near the root of a snake plant, follow the procedure below.

Take the entire snake plant out of the pot including the root. Do not remove all the soil from the root of the plant. Rather, only look for the part where the offshoot is attached to the root of the plant. Carefully separate the offshoot from the root from the main root. Now plant it in a new pot with cactus potting soil. Then water it and keep it in a partly sunny place.

3. Leaf propagation

Cut off a long and healthy leaf of the snake plant using pruning shears or a sharp knife. Then take a clean transparent (glass) jar and fill it with water. Now keep the cut part of the leaf facing down and immerse it in water. Roots will emerge from where you cut the leaf. Place this jar in a partially sunny location and wait for it to take root. This may take a few weeks. Keep a few things in mind. For example, change the water completely every two weeks and in the meantime maintain the water level. When the roots emerge from the leaves and become about 1 inch or more, then it is ready for planting. Finally, plant that root in a new pot containing cactus potting mix and water it. And do not forget to keep this new snake plant in a place with partial sunlight.

How to grow snake plants from seed?

You can also grow snake plants using seeds, but there is a problem in this process. You have to give more time. While growing snake plants through propagation are not only easy but also reliable. The propagation method is considered better for new gardeners.

Apart from other methods, the snake plant is also grown by sowing seeds. Take a pot to plant this plant. Fill potting mix in it. After this sprinkle the seeds of this plant on the soil. Then add water to it and keep it in a sunny place. Cover the pot with some plastic so that the heat and moisture remain in it. Remove the plastic and keep adding water and keep an eye on the simulation, then cover it with plastic. From the beginning till planting the plant in the second pot, it is important to maintain the soil moisture. More or less moisture than required will prove fatal.

When the seeds germinate, remove the plastic and give them some time to germinate into small 3-4 inch plants. Then plant it in another pot.

It is a slow-growing plant when kept indoors only. On the other hand, if it gets a few hours of sunlight, then it starts growing relatively fast.

Snake Plant or Sansevieria Potting and Repotting

Spring is the best time for potting and repotting snake plants. Summer is also good for growing this plant as well. Generally, it keeps growing for many years and it can live lifelong in a single pot. But if you want to make many plants from one plant, then only you have to plant it again. Otherwise, it is needed only in a special situation.

When you report this plant, use a new, sturdy pot. The roots of the snake plant may have come out by breaking the weak pot. Similarly, it is better to use a cactus potting mix.

What to Do to Grow Flowers on a Snake Plant?

Flowers are not usually seen on snake plants and only if flowers do grow in a particular environment. The snake plant grows white tubular flowers that almost look like marigolds. These flowers, which bloom in the nighttime, also spread fragrance.

The snake plant flowers in early spring and flowers only once a year. This is a rare occasion. The most important thing is that only that snake plant will flower which is kept in sunlight throughout the year.

Put the pot outside in the sun, take a little care, and you’ll get what you want. You don’t need to employ any special gardening tricks if you want to enjoy snake plant flowers!

Key points to keep Snake Plant healthy

To keep the plant and its leaves healthy and to protect them from spoilage, this plant does not demand much from you. Rather, by taking care of some things, you can keep them alive and beautiful.

  • Check it closely from time to time to avoid damage to the plant.
  • Give water as per the need.
  • Allow enough light to reach it so that it gets light and heat to survive.
  • Use a potting mix with good drainage as wet soil is deadly for it.
  • If an insect attack occurs, check the soil moisture and also spray neem oil or vegetable soap as an insecticide.


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